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 Congregational Study
Hartford Seminary
The Web

Study of Religious Organizations - Visit this page for a brief overview of the study of religious organizations.

Denominations - This section contains our collection of diverse information, links and research on official and organized religious bodies.

Judicatories - This page provides links to information and research reports on the middle level denominational connections between the national structures and local congregations.

Congregations - Explore a multitude of research findings, articles and links related to congregational structures, identity and dynamics. 

Megachurches - Follow this link to learn more about churches with more than 2,000 attenders. Review information, articles and a database with links to the largest Protestant congregations in the U.S. 

New Religious Movements - From this page you can connect to information, articles, and the best websites on new religious groups, cults and sects.

Parachurch Groups - This section offers research on and connections to parachurch groups, as well as special interest and non-profit organizations.




Hartford Seminary
77 Sherman Street
Hartford, CT 06105
© 2000 - 2006 Hartford Seminary, Hartford Institute for Religion Research